Lindsay X. Koons
Semi-retired Christian singer and artist
Semi-retired Christian singer and artist
Founder, Developer
Sr Director of Product Engineering
Head of Design
WordPress Maintenance and Support
Software Engineer
Musician/Producer/Experience Designer
Talent Buyer
Health & Fitness Business Owner, Team Beachbody Coach
Site Reliability Engineer
Humble novice at many things.
Director of Technology
Medical student
Software developer
Mindfulness Trainer
Smartsheet Guru and Fighting Game Player
Software Engineer at Code School
Director, IT at Centene Corp
Storycoach and Storyteller
🌷 Developer 🌷
Consulting Economist
Hospital Sales & Contracting | 3x Startup | 5x Author
Founder/CEO at Lost Media Group
Music Composer and Producer
Sex Coach, Author and Researcher
Podcaster and Music Business Educator
Coffee Shop Owner. Strategist. Creative.
Freelance Illustrator and Surface Pattern Designer
Hobbyist Web Developer and Programmer
blogger + podcast producer + music industry exile
Co-Founder of Brain Smart Success
Director of CleanTechnica, Cleantechies, & Planetsave President of Important Media Founder of EV Obsession & Solar Love
soulful brand strategist and graphic designer. co-creating artist. montessori guide.