Jason Cannon

Jason Cannon


If it's not a "hell yes!" then it's a NO. "No" is a complete sentence; it does not need explanation or justification. Saying "no" creates space, holds space, reserves space for the true and vital YES. And just as you want others to respect your "no" and not take it personally, you must graciously accept theirs.


Sarasota, Florida, U.S.A.

Professional title:

Storycoach and Storyteller

What do you do?

I help storytellers tell their stories better.


Stories are how we connect, how we heal, how we make sense of this often senseless world and our place in it. The more we are able to unearth, shape, curate, and share our stories... the more authentic and kind we become.

What should we read?

"Steal Like an Artist" by Austin Kleon