Francine Boilard

Francine Boilard


“Your vision becomes clear when you look into your heart.”


Québec city, Quebec, Canada

Professional title:

Francine Boilard est écrivaine sur le blogue de Phrenssynnes. Elle publie sur Medium et rédige une infolettre mensuelle sur Substack. En plus d’être auteure, elle a été optométriste pendant plusieurs années.Francine Boilard is a writer for the Phrenssynnes blog. She publishes on Medium and writes a monthly newsletter on Substack. In addition to being an author, she was an optometrist for several years.

What do you do?

I love helping and inspiring people to live healthy lives.


Health is a privilege we often take for granted. Eating well and having good habits helps us feel better and enjoy the best of our existence.

What should we read?

I've got a great list. Find out more on