Kai Bitter

“The freedom of minimalism is similar to financial freedom: you no longer have to do what you don't want to do. This has both good and bad sides; you might become lazy. Additionally, it might be a sinusoidal curve in life rather than steadiness. You might move to a city and then back to the country. The sinusoidal just has a different frequency for every person.”


Berlin, Germany

Professional title:

Principal Solutions Engineer, EMEA @ Cloudflare

What do you do?

I like to abstract concepts from this world, break them down into manageable pieces, and help people solve problems.


It is what motivates me and keeps my mind busy. And it’s the way I like to connect with people; understand what they are moved by and what makes their lifes. I like entropy and new concepts.

What should we read?

Podcast: Philosophize This! Book: Albert Camus - The Stranger