April Bell
The spaciousness of listening is a generous gift, and it's a space and experience I strive to create with and for others. I am here to help, to open doors, to listen. From this space, possibilities are unlimited, miracles abound, love and connection arises. We can change our world with this simple generosity.
San Francisco East Bay, California, U.S.A.
Professional title:
Personal Storytelling Guide | Wisdom Keeper
What do you do?
I help leaders find and tell and the origin stories behind their values.
Storytelling a a gift that generates connection and understanding, a thing our world desperately needs to lean into right now. When you share your story, you are being a contribution. We all win. I have discovered through listening to people's stories that being a contribution is the seat of human happiness.
What should we read?
My Life in Paragraphs: Find and Tell Your Stories by April Bell (also; Anything You Want by Derek Sivers)