Dave Kobrenski
The other day while walking in an old forest, I felt just how small I was, insignificant even — and it was actually quite liberating. It took all the pressure off. I thought to myself, ‘I can just live my life, do my best, and make mistakes. It’s all OK.’
Intervale, New Hampshire, U.S.A.
Professional title:
Artist, musician, ethnomusicologist, and author of the books “Finding the Source” (2023), “Drawing on Culture” (2016) and “Djoliba Crossing” (2013).
What do you do?
I make art, music, and books that reflect my interests in world culture and ecological issues.
My experiences living in West Africa inspired me to write about different ways of being in, and relating to, the natural world around us. Revitalizing and respecting traditional indigenous knowledge is crucial to our future, because dealing with our current and future ecological and social challenges will require more than one narrow worldview. I strive to make art, music, and stories that inspire my audience to look deeper into the importance of both biological and cultural diversity, and to see that a more beautiful world is possible.
What should we read?
The Wayfinders by Wade Davis