Daniel Wildt

Daniel Wildt


Consciousness and tranquility is what we need to fuel our lives. You may be running, but let me tell you this: you don't need to run. We need to breathe. We need to listen to our needs more than our desires. Grow your skills using side projects and connect to people that can make that happen.


Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

Professional title:

CTO at uMov.me // Mentor at Wildtech

What do you do?

I’m a software developer helping people to become better people, teams to grow and products to come alive. I can play as a Developer, Mentor, Consultant, Head of Technology, CTO, you name it. I can manage teams, projects, products and services. But… be sure to understand that my process is about building autonomy and trust whenever I am.


I see great people. My process is about building autonomy and trust whenever I am. When I do that, people, teams and organisations grow as a whole.

What should we read?

Trillion Dollar Coach by Eric Schmidt, Jonathan Rosenberg, Alan Eagle. // A more beautiful question by Warren Berger. // Leadership and Self Deception by Arbinger Institute. // Daring Greatly by Brené Brown. // Thank you economy by Gary Vaynerchuk. // Tribes by Seth Godin.