Michael Marvosh
Whenever I language myself or others like "I am overwhelmed" or "She is a whiner" I limit my own and their possibility. I recently noticed "I am" is the name God gives themself in the Christian tradition I was raised in but have since rejected. I now see the wisdom of the commandment, "Do not take the name of the Lord in vain." I love making these connections because they help me see that even though I no longer agree with that tradition, I still got--and continue to get--a lot of value out of it.
Boise, Idaho, U.S.A.
Professional title:
Writer, aspiring speaker, problem-solver, still learning
What do you do?
"I serve others by helping them experience coming home."
I want to be an extraordinary person in service to others and the world. I want to be powerful in dancing with what is. I want to learn how to live well and die well.
What should we read?
Thank God for Evolution by Michael Dowd