Matthew Gedye

Matthew Gedye


Living your life on your own terms, even if it rejects a typical social paradigm, is more beneficial for your health than good food or exercise. You don't have to do anything crazy. Even straying off the path a little bit can have profound benefit if it's what you really want. The trick is drowning out the voice inside that says it's too risky or people will change their opinion of you. This is rarely the case. We only get one life. Why live it the way others do just because 'that's how it's always been done?'


Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Professional title:

PhD Candidate in Exercise Physiology and Molecular Genetics

What do you do?

I'm a son, husband, father and a friend.


I'm a very curious person with lots of ideas and love to immerse myself in big, long term projects. As a researcher, I get to spend long periods of time by myself contemplating and planning, analysing, writing, and ultimately creating. This also applies to my personal projects. I sometimes think of myself as an entrepreneur, but of ideas, where my 'product' or 'service' is 'knowledge'.

What should we read?

The Lion Tracker's Guide to Life by Boyd Varty