Benjamin Parzybok

Benjamin Parzybok

Origin stories help define us (a person, a marriage, a nation, a species). They are the starting points in our trajectory. But their usefulness decays over time. Origin stories need updated and re-written to fit with new trajectories (think Adam & Eve, or the founders of the U.S., stories that were once useful to understanding who we are, but now carry a taint/decay with them).


Portland, Oregon, U.S.A.

Professional title:

Novelist & technologist/programmer

What do you do?

I write novels, usually in the nebulous space between literary and speculative fiction, and build web applications.


I find tremendous joy in the creation process, whether I'm telling stories or making software.

What should we read?

My latest favorite author is the Mexican author Alvaro Enrigue. Read Sudden Death or You Dreamed of Empires