Ron Newman
Concentrate absolutely and totally on means, not on result. The how is far more important than the what.
Santa Fe, New Mexico, U.S.A.
Professional title:
Pianist/composer, piano tuner, developer of database-backed web apps, in that order.
What do you do?
I bring harmony into peoples' homes, which seems to make them happy.
I tune pianos because the profession chose me, I seem to be good at it, and I don't have to beg for opportunities. People ask me to do it and are happy to pay me. And I write music because every time I see someone I haven't seen in a while they ask me what I'm doing musically, so I guess that's how they see me. I must exude something, maybe it's some kind of purpose.
What should we read?
"The Paradox of Intention - Reaching the Goal by Giving Up the Attempt to Reach It", Dr. Irwin Shaw