Emile Hung

“You are already standing on a mountain of value. Your story is valuable, your experience is unique, and you are highly valuable… just as you are! (From the book: Key Person of Influence by Daniel Priestley)”


Belmopan, Cayo, Belize

Professional title:

Creator, Linguaphile, Final Year Medical Student

What do you do?

I enjoy creating digital productions: illustrations, animations, videos, websites, as well as writing, learning and teaching foreign languages and optimizing on personal health and fitness.


I want to help people notice new perspectives and learn or realize different ways to solve problems, as well as promote enhanced communication skills through learning foreign languages as well as personal and professional optimization in life.

What should we read?

Atomic Habits by James Clear; Anything you want by Derek Sivers; How to live by Derek Sivers; Tribe of Mentors by Tim Ferriss; Tools of Titans by Tim Ferriss