Gary Ferrão
Slow and steady wins the race. Fast and consistent beats the slow and steady. Once your faith, sir, persuades you to believe what your intelligence declares to be absurd, beware lest you likewise sacrifice your reason in the conduct of your life. … Certainly any one who has the power to make you believe absurdities has the power to make you commit injustices.
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Professional title:
Currently, I'm studying for Masters in CSE at IIT Bombay. Previously, I was customer support at BrowserStack.
What do you do?
Evolving to Civilization 2.0: i am a disparate scientist, who questions (almost) everything.
I study computer science coz i'm fascinated by how we can automate things using some complex determinism. And i wonder if non-determinism can be exploited as well.
What should we read?
Reading these two at the moment: 12 Ways To Be More Successful — @stefanoganddini + 10 Steps to Earning Awesome Grades — @TomFrankly. But i'd also recommend The Kite Runner — @khaledhosseini.