G.E Levèlsi

G.E Levèlsi


All the true, authentic desires and goals I had set for myself have found me in life, usually later and not at the time when I expected them to, but nevertheless, I always got what I wanted when I worked hard and was honest with myself.


Ubud, Bali, Indonesia

Professional title:

artist of psychology

What do you do?

for most intents and purposes, I'm a highly developed baby who uses time to help people change their lives and, hopefully, make life better


I am coaching clients to help them establish a productive relationship between their inner genius and authentic self, which is the relationship that will last them a lifetime, because I wish someone had done it for me when I needed it the most. I make symbolic and often humorous drawings to send to people with thought-provoking writing attached because I found it to be a better way to stay connected with my family of choice. I write because it is my default mode of creativity.

What should we read?

— David Korten's 'Change the Story, Change the Future for a transformative vision on money diversity and shift dominant global narrative towards human and ecological well-being. — 'The Eyes of the Skin' by Juhani Pallasmaa for exploring the multisensory experience, advocating for a holistic, embodied approach to architecture that engages all the senses to create meaningful, humanistic spaces. — Steve Chandler's book 'Fearless: Creating the Courage to Change the Things You Can’ because it helps to develop the courage to make positive life changes, offering strategies for cultivating a fearless mindset.