Rasmus Wied Pedersen
Copenhagen, Denmark
Professional title:
Bioengineer and entrepreneur
What do you do?
Sometimes I pipette colorless liquids around in the lab and sometimes I try to make the world a better place.
I want the autonomy to do what I want, and I also want the world to be a better place when I leave it than when I arrived in it.
What should we read?
After many years of reading textbooks and papers during my studies I got tired of reading. Picking up one of the many books on my to-read list after another "day of reading" was the last thing I wanted to. That was until I finally picked up a book I wanted to read solely for the pleasure of reading it. Reading this book didn't have the premise of me learning something new; It wouldn't help me get things done, think smarter, or teach me about the history of the world and it certainly wasn't mandatory reading because I had a paper to submit. It was just reading because that's what I wanted to do. That book helped me re-discover that I love reading and I have since then lost track of how many books I have read. So if you are in a situation similar to mine, and reading mostly fills you with dread, then I recommend that you pick up something you have always wanted to read and then just get started. If it still feels like a chore, then stop, put it down and find something else to read. * In my case I read "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" by Arthur Conan Doyle. Its free from Project Gutenberg and many other places.