Jenie Gao

Jenie Gao

"[Punishment is] where the law excels. Justice is a more difficult thing." - Nghi Vo, Mammoths at the Gates


Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Professional title:

Public artist, organizational ethics consultant, owner of Jenie Gao Studio LLC

What do you do?

Public art, fine art, and civic practice work using anti-gentrification + generative economy best practices. Consultant on ethics and equity for nonprofit and governmental institutions, centering community benefit in solutions.


To create artworks that are both impactful and beneficial to communities. To build infrastructure that helps organizations move away from exploitative practices towards more just and generative solutions. To align symbolic representation with genuine systemic change.

What should we read?

Freedom is a Constant Struggle: Ferguson, Palestine, and the Foundations of a Movement - Angela Davis