Justin R. Foeppel

Justin R. Foeppel


Live by an internal scorecard, but make sure that internal scorecard reconciles to universal values of honesty, integrity, etc. which lead to a good reputation. There is no method to pursuing summum bonum. We all get there in our own way, if we get there at all, and it is not a steady state except for a few exceptional people in history. There is no guarantee. There is just pursuit.


Kennewick, Washington, U.S.A.

Professional title:

Lifelong Learner

What do you do?

Pursuing summum bonum.


I want to live in heaven on earth. Though I am using religious language, I am inspired by people who are publicly secular: Warren Buffett, Charlie Munger, Shane Parrish, Mike Rowe, Derek Sivers, Kevin Kelly, Seth Godin, David Heinemeier Hansson, Jason Fried, Cal Newport, Naval Ravikant, Paul Millerd, Ravi Nagarajan. People who are mensches.

What should we read?

I recommend anything that you find you're excited to read. This is the best way to ensure you just keep reading. Maybe try to expand your skill through reading something more challenging occasionally. But don't fixate on that challenging material to the point you stop reading.