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Tommaso Marmo

“The right answer is a new question”


, Italy

Professional title:

Enthusiastic yet confused dreamer. I talk and I talk and I talk, but I love to listen, too.

What do you do?

I learn and I try to share what I learnt. Formally, I'm a Philosophy, International Studies and Economics student, and I'm the president of Scambi Festival, in Sanremo, Italy. My life's purpose is knowing and meeting and be friend with all of the people in the world.


I feel sharing knowledge and emotions makes the world a better place, so I do it as much as I can. Interaction with other human beings is at the root of anything great.

What should we read?

All of Sherlock Holmes (the books, of course). Watch Santa Maradona (a 2001 movie by Marco Ponti)