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Manny Vallarino

“I recently (as of this writing) went to an astronomy and star-gazing event, during which I realized that human beings are objectively infinitesimal and ephemeral in the context of the universe. So we would all do well to make the best of and enjoy our lives. After all, we're not that important, and we'll be gone very soon. Also, here are three quotes I like: "Amor fati (love of fate)," from Friedrich Nietzsche. "Forward and up!" from the Alexander Technique. And, "If it happened on the internet, it didn't happen," from John Mayer.”


Panamá Pacífico, Panamá Oeste, Panama

Professional title:

Creative Accountant

What do you do?

Contribute to the creative industries at the intersection of commerce and creativity.


I want to create, and I also want to help others create. I want to create because creativity gives me a source of meaning, connects me to my true self, and can enrich someone else's inner life. I help others create via my work in commerce because had my creative heroes not had any help along the way, they wouldn't have been able to enrich my own inner life.

What should we read?

When the Body Says No by Dr. Gabor Maté