Cristina Chipurici
I tend to be a perfectionist, and this actually reflects my biggest fear: I'm afraid of being seen as superficial, which influences everything that I do. For example, if 1 person in 100 is criticizing me, I'll only look at that one person, as it reinforces a belief I already have. It's a battle I cannot win. Meditation is the main tool that helps me to look at this lens / mental model of mine and become more aware when it happens.
Bucharest, Romania
Professional title:
Head of Culture & People
What do you do?
I'm helping people learn more about themselves, while learning more about myself.
I'm a curious person with lots of experience in various domains: online marketing, content marketing, music business, streetwear, trail running, applied ethics and many others - including a few businesses of my own, and being an avid reader. Partly I want to share all this knowledge with others, partly I want to learn more from them.
What should we read?
KSR - Mars trilogy.