Joaquín Sánchez Gil

Joaquín Sánchez Gil

Where it seems easy, there it is.


Madrid, Madrid, Spain

Professional title:

Musician, traveler, teacher

What do you do?

Music, instruments, creativity, teaching.


When I was little I loved taking things apart to see how they worked, I imagined that I was going to travel a lot and meet a lot of people, learning and teaching . Nowadays: I play wind instruments in general and clarinets in particular (concerts, recordings , tours,...), I teach ( classes, courses, workshops, talks, masters...), I travel and research , I create instruments with gadgets , sometimes I organize events, festivals... I'm always caught up in something. " Apprentice of much, master of none" they say... And I like to tell what I do.

What should we read?

Free Play: Improvisation in Life and Art Stephen Nachmanovitch