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Jeffery Holley

“If you want to really get to know someone, don't just ask them what their favorite cake is; instead, ask them how they would make their favorite cake. The answer can be much more revealing, offering insights into their creativity, attention to detail, and perhaps even their personality. For instance, if you asked me how I'd make my favorite cake, I would begin by pouring us each a glass of wine and carefully melting some high-quality chocolate...”


Washington, D.C., United States of America

Professional title:

Architecture + art history student @achool_uva.

What do you do?

My enthusiasm extends to relationships and intersections among people, art, and history in the built environment. I'm observant, embrace messy vitality, and possess a lethal amount of impatience.


Character Home is my platform for exploring and sharing my passion for home design and decor. Through my writing and smartphone photography, I delve into the spatial and material aspects of this fascinating field, with a particular focus on the preservation and adaptation of vernacular and bespoke home architecture. By employing critical theories, I seek to enhance our understanding and appreciation of the diverse cultural landscapes that surround the concept of "home." With alacrity and attention to detail, I strive to provide thought-provoking and informative content for design enthusiasts and curious readers alike.

What should we read?

The Modern Interior by Penny Sparke.