Mike Vardy
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
Professional title:
Writer, Speaker, Productivity Strategist, Founder of Productivityist
What do you do?
I help people stop guessing about what tasks to do so that they can go about doing the tasks that they need and want to do.
I love the feeling I get when someone has a lightbulb moment about what teach. I'm fascinated with time and the relationships people have with time...and then I love helping them forge a stronger relationship with time through my work. I love the freedom i have in life through the frameworks I've crafted and want to help others be able to craft their own personal productivity paths.
What should we read?
Book One: The War of Art by Steven Pressfield Book Two: So Good They Can't Ignore You by Cal Newport Article One: The Tower by Chris Guillebeau - http://chrisguillebeau.com/the-tower-manifesto/ Article Two:Pretty much everything Cal Newport writes - http://calnewport.com/blog/