![Daniel Andrlik](https://m.nownownow.com/280W.webp)
Daniel Andrlik
Passion for what you do is essential, but an obsession with your work, or even the modern ideal of being busy is as unhealthy and unattractive as any other addiction. Let yourself be still from time to time. The times of quiet reflection are what enable you to prioritize and focus on what's important.
King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
Professional title:
VP of Product at Ecolane by day. Writer by night.
What do you do?
I am first and foremost a storyteller, and I use narratives to help transportation agencies find ways to better serve their community, whether through operational consulting or technology.
I work every day to improve transportation, as particularly for the disabled community these services come at a premium, and it can be so much better if as an industry we only have the will to make necessary changes. I write because I love to tell stories, and I tell stories because they are a fundamental building block of human existence.
What should we read?
On Writing by Stephen King. It's the least BS book you can find on fiction writing, and its lessons can be applied to any kind of storytelling.