Amanpreet Kaur

Amanpreet Kaur

Who I am and how I react shouldn't be dependent on others' actions towards me. I am who I am regardless of how others show up. It brings calmness and I feel good and I don't have to think or lose sleep over what others said and how it made me feel. I like myself and I always want to do what makes me like myself regardless of what others do.


Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A.

Professional title:

Freelance Marketing Operations & Automation

What do you do?

I help small businesses automate business marketing operations that eat up productivity and leave no time to have fun.


I love automating redundant work and help people find time to have fun and create more awesome stuff. More time we have, more we create, more we find out about ourselves. More time to experiment makes us better scientists.

What should we read?

Illusions- The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach