Hao Jiang

“1. A true professional is someone who can consistently demonstrate their expertise. \n 2. I revere science, and I believe the meaning of life lies in the pursuit of true knowledge. \n 3. I think Reading, Health, Invest, Friends, Family are the most important things in my life.”


Hangzhou, 浙江省 (Zhèjiāng Shěng), China

Professional title:

Freelance Software developer/Writer/Listener/

What do you do?

I engage in activities that make me happy, and ones that make you happy.


I write for my future self, I write to preserve memories, I write to provide some potentially helpful information for you, I write because I want to capture these moments in time.

What should we read?

1. The Courage to Be Disliked \n 2. How to Live 3. The Minimalist Entrepreneur